Stopping Terrorism - Container Port Security - VOA Story

Custom-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is the latest Security Standard created by the U.S. Customs Border Protection (CBP). Post 9/11 measures had to be adopted promptly in order to protect the U.S. borders from terrorist threats. Therefore the CBP devised security measures to be adopted for all companies lined along the supply chain. This program was initially offered to manufactures, importers, ports, liners, and other firms.

C-TPAT benefits to Industries

  • Once you are C-TPAT approved company following are the benefits:
  • Fewer Inspection  
  • “Fast Track” Treatment
  • Participation in C-TPAT Sponsored Seminars
  • Eligibility for  Account-based processes
  • Assigned account manager
  • Self–policies and monitoring of own security practices
  • Sharing of information and best practices among membership
  • Risk mitigation
  • Continuing of the global economy
  • Improver Supply Chain Management

The Steps to C-TPAT

The signing of the Agreement
This form can be easily downloaded or copied from the CBP website. Authorized personnel within your company should then sign, date and submit the form.

Security profile:
In collaboration time of the C-TPAT agreement, or within sixty days, the company must comply with the security guidelines. The organization has to undertake an internal review according to the official C-TPAT security guidelines and recommendations. The company not only evaluates its internal security, but also the security of everyone in its supply chain (for example its carriers, brokers, foreign suppliers, etc).

The potential company opting for the security profile is informed by CBP, within sixty days of the filing (tentative) whether they have acquired certification or that the company must take additional steps.

Certified companies are then audited by CBP in order to ensure that corrective measures were obtained in the security profile and that the respective company is in accordance with their standards under the Agreement to Voluntarily participate.

The Good News:
The best part of the C-TPAT certification is that doesn’t have to be torturous. You may be unaware of it, but your organization might already comply with the required guidelines of CBP. For example, you most likely have carried out adequate screening for your employees.


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