Eco-Labeling Schemes
D-32, Block-7, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Block 7,
Karachi - 75300, Pakistan
Disclaimer: We are not associated with any lab or International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology.
The Need for an Eco-Label
Consumers are becoming more concerned with the adverse impacts of industrial pollution on the environment and their health. Mounting pressure on the industry to adopt more, eco friendly, chemicals and manufacturing processes has led to increased demand, particularly in the textile sector. Eco-Labels that certify the eco-friendliness, of the textile product are now increasingly in demand by the consumers. While this will certify at their products do not contain chemicals, which might be harmful to the consumer, the requirement for an eco-Label is not uniform around the world. Currently, these are mainly required in Western Europe, with Germany being the most demanding. Other German and Nordic-speaking countries follow closely behind.
What is an Eco-Label?
An eco-label provides brief information on environment-related product qualities. It enables consumers to identify: those products that are environmentally safe; that have been manufactured using eco-friendly materials and do not contain chemicals that are harmful to the user.
Eco-Labeling Schemes
There is a wide range of eco-labeling schemes covering a variety of textile product groups. Each has developed criteria that vary in approach from full life cycle analysis to schemes that address only the quality of the final product.
What are the benefits of Eco-Labeling? These can be briefly summarized as follows:
- Enhanced export market opportunities - manufacturers and retailers of textile goods are expected to be increasingly asked to comply with the international eco-labels. Given the scenario of open worldwide competition beyond 2005, securing an eco-label will greatly assist the manufacturers and retailers in enhancing the export market opportunities.
- Improved product quality - through the removal of substances in the fabric that may be harmful to the customer.
- Financial savings - through process optimization and improvements that result in saving of water, chemicals, and energy. Often the processing time is reduced and the RFT (Right First Time) is improved. All these benefits generally offset the incremental costs of using eco friendly chemicals or of adopting modified processing.
- Improved environmental performance – ‘through phasing out of toxic and hazardous substances and conservation in water, energy, and raw material usage. This leads to a reduction in the quantities and pollution potential of various emissions.